Open or CloseThis course covers the general principles of Research Methodology that are applicable to any discipline. It discusses the fundamental process in conducting an academic research. The theoretical and practical aspects of preparing a research proposal presented. Amongst topics that will be covered are introduction to research and its philosophy, problem formulation and research objective, literature review, research methodology and design, data collection procedures, statistical data analysis, research proposal and thesis preparation, responsible conduct of research and research management.
COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES- Conduct literature search using the internet and research databases.
- Analyse literature to identify research problem, direction and gap for extending the boundary of knowledge.
- Describe the philosophy and process of academic research and the need to implement Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR).
- Develop research framework and systematically design research plan for data collection, statistical analysis and interpretation of findings.
- Produce an original research proposal and defend it professionally.
Open or CloseINTRODUCTION- What is knowledge
- Philosophy of knowledge
- Types of research
- Introduction to Scientific methods
- Why / Purpose of research?
- Level of research ; Master or PhD
- Research Process
RESEARCH ETHICS- Ethics and Integrity in Research
- Ethical Principles & History of ethical principle -
- Helsinki declaration
- Scope of Clinical and Non-Clinical research
PROBLEM FORMULATION- What is research problem?
- Why need to formulate the research problem?
- Step in formulating research problem
- How to identify the research problem?
- Formulation of Problem Statement
- Formulation of Aim/Purpose statement
- Formulating research question and / or hypothesis
- Identify research objectives
- Scope of research: criteria for Masters vs Doctoral Level of research.
- Expected outcome of research
- Significance and importance of research
LIBRARY AND INFORMATION RETRIEVAL SKILLS IN PSZ- Learn how to optimize the usage of the UTM library.
- What the library can do for you.
LITERATURE REVIEW- Analysing and identifying various kinds and levels of credibility of literature sources
- Rationale for literature review
- Approaches of Literature review (systematic literature review)
- Framework of literature review
- Writing critical review (research areas, research issues, research gap)
- Managing reading material
- Making proper citation and referencing
RESEARCH DESIGN- Relationship between methodology & design
- Critical review on solution approach (alternative techniques, issues and trend)
- Purpose of research design
- Developing Conceptual and operational framework
- Types of research design (Theory building/ testing/extension; Inductive/deductive)
- Steps in Research Design
- Statistical data analysis and interpretation
ETHICS AND RESPONSIBLE CONDUCT OF RESEARCH- Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and Ethics
- Fabrication, Falsification and Plagiarism
- Malaysian Code of RCR
ACADEMIC WRITING- Writing research proposal, format
- Tips on writing, general structure, citations, reference style, appendices,
- Presentation of data in tables and graphs
- Presentation and commentary of results (interpretation of results and findings)
- Significance of findings and comparison to existing works
- Procedures in writing thesis and journal articles
- Review of UTM Thesis format
- Preparing and making oral seminar presentation
RESEARCH MANAGEMENT- Roles of student and supervisor and examination panels (Chairman, Internal / External Examiner)
- Graduating on Time (GOT)
- Rules and regulation
- Ethics of doing research
- Funding for research
- Project planning (research project management: planning, schedule and monitoring (milestone and deliverables)
Open or CloseAssignment #1: 7.5%- Based on the number of papers you used in your literature review and the mind map you created.
- Submit in MS Excel table
Assignment #2: 15%- Based on the problem statement, research objectives, and scope you developed from the literature review.
Assignment #3: 7.5%- Based on your methodology and the type of analysis you intend to conduct.
Final Report : 50%- Based on the final report, which consists of Chapters 1, 2, and 3 following the UTM thesis format, and the technical paper following the Jurnal Mekanika format.
Presentation: 20%- Based on your presentation content, slide quality, and your ability to defend your ideas professionally.
* Students must attend no less than 80% of the lecture hours required for the subject and submit all required assignments. -
Open or Close- Engineering Ethics (4th Edition), Charles B. Fleddermann, Prentice Hall; 4 edition (August 14, 2011)
- Engineering Professionalism and Ethics, 4th Edition, The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia, 1995
- Occupational Safety And Health Act and Regulations, Laws of Malaysia Act 514, MDC Publishers SdnBhd, Kuala Lumpur 2003.
- Ethical Problems in Enginering, Alger P.L, John Wiley & Son 1965
- Professional Ethics, Bayles, M.D, Wadsworth Pub. Co, California 1981
- The Professional Engineers in Society by S. Colin
- Factories and Machinery Acts with Regulations, MDC Publ. Sdn. Bhd., 1997
- Wu Min Aun, Industrial Relations Act, 1967 (Updated till 1980), The Industrial Relations Law of Malaysia, Heinmann Education Books (Asia) Ltd., 1985.
- Safety at Work, 4th Edition, J. Ridley (Editor), Butterworth, Heinmann Ltd. 1904, UK.
- Ethnics in Engineering, Mike W. Martin and Roland Schinzinger, 4th Edition, Mc Graw-Hill Companies, Inc., New York, 2005.Thiel, D. V. (2014).
- Research methods for engineers. Cambridge University Press.Bethea, R. M. (2018).
- Statistical methods for engineers and scientists. Routledge